11th Action Group 9 meeting

The 11th Action Group 9 meeting took place online on the 11/03/2021. The members and observers of the AG convened to discuss the progress of the initiatives as compared to the Work Plan, exchange best practises and experiences and draw possible ways forward. The meeting constituted a moment to reflect on the Action Group's priorities, potential project proposals and recommendations emerging from the actions.
Several speakers gave presentations to showcase best practices and support the discussions of the Group:
- Etienne Vienot, AG 9 co-leader at AURA-EE, highlighted the state of the art of the cross-sectoral implementation activities Alpine Energy Objectives and Green Hydrogen for the Alps;
- Hervé Muguerra, Tenerrdis, presented research and a project idea for a territorial approach to using Green Hydrogen for the deep decabonisation of the Alpine region;
- Silvio de Nigris (Regione Piemonte) and Matteo Mazzolini (APE Friuli Venezia Giulia) presented the results of the Interreg project PROSPECT2030: Reflections on carbon-neutrality for regions and necessary actions;
- Matteo Mazzolini (APE Friuli Venezia Giulia) showcased a project idea on Cross-border smart grids, inviting all members to express their interest in participating;
- Mariadonata Bancher (CasaClima) presented the tools developed in the H2020 Come Easy project to support municipalities in implementing energy management systems and develop climate action plans.
In an interactive workshop session, all members and observers of the Action Group expressed their thoughts and proposals on the Work Plan.
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