EUSALP - European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region
Macro regional Strategies provide a framework for transnational cooperation between regions and states as well as for common solutions to regional challenges. The EU macro strategy for the Alpine Region, EUSALP, is the fourth EU macro strategy. It aims to conserve the Alpine Region as one of Europe’s most attractive, innovative and competitive regions and to exploit existing potentials. The three core areas covered are economic growth and innovation, mobility and connectivity, as well as environment and energy.
In 2015, the Council of the EU endorsed the strategy. Nine action groups are now working on its implementation. The Autonomous Province of South Tyrol mandated the Agency for Energy South Tyrol - CasaClima with the lead of action group 9, which focuses on the area of Energy. The action group is currently working on concrete actions and projects to make the Alpine Region a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energies. By the end of 2016, the final work plan is to be adopted.
Members EUSALP AG9 Energy
Austria: Burgenland, Carinthia, Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Lower Austria
France: Rhone-Alpes, Commissariat de massif des Alpes
Germany: Bavaria
Italy: South Tyrol (action group leader), Piemonte, Liguria, Trentino, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Ministry of the Environment
Slovenia: Ministry of Infrastructure
Switzerland: St. Gallen
09.03.2016: Kick-Off meeting Action Group
10.10.2016: 2nd annual meeting Action Group
Further information on EUSALP
Action Plan by the European Commission
In 2015, the Council of the EU endorsed the strategy. Nine action groups are now working on its implementation. The Autonomous Province of South Tyrol mandated the Agency for Energy South Tyrol - CasaClima with the lead of action group 9, which focuses on the area of Energy. The action group is currently working on concrete actions and projects to make the Alpine Region a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energies. By the end of 2016, the final work plan is to be adopted.
Members EUSALP AG9 Energy
Austria: Burgenland, Carinthia, Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Lower Austria
France: Rhone-Alpes, Commissariat de massif des Alpes
Germany: Bavaria
Italy: South Tyrol (action group leader), Piemonte, Liguria, Trentino, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Ministry of the Environment
Slovenia: Ministry of Infrastructure
Switzerland: St. Gallen
09.03.2016: Kick-Off meeting Action Group
10.10.2016: 2nd annual meeting Action Group
Further information on EUSALP
Action Plan by the European Commission