Public survey on smart grids in the EUSALP territory

Smart grids are intelligent power grids, encompassing all players of the energy system via a communication network. As power supply systems, they coordinate bidirectional communication between producer, consumer, energy storage and the power grid in real time. In the future, the electricity infrastructure will need intelligent development and an expansion of information and communication techniques. The promotion of renewable energy requires the sharing of more information because electricity is not only generated in high voltages anymore. Due to a higher share of renewable energy, medium and low voltages must be fed into the supply grid. A smart grid technology means a change from a consumption‐orientated supply system to a generation‐orientated consumption. Therefore, it is important to combine decentralised generation, decentralised storage and flexible consumers.
In the frame of its work programme, EUSALP Action Group 9 collects information about existing smart grid activities in the EUSALP territory. The Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria (eNU), EUSALP Action Group 9 member, coordinates the survey that is realized in the frame of the Alpine Space project “Smart Villages”.
All target groups such as organizations, enterprises, energy agencies, research institutions, and public administration offices are invited to participate in the survey that collects good practices and investigates on the challenges of smart grids in the EUSALP territory.